-With right sides together stitch
the bottom of the pillowcase closed.
-Set the pillowcase aside. Ruffle:
-Fold the ruffle in half lengthwise, wrong sides together and press.
-Gather the ruffle.
-Pin the ruffle to the right side of the pillowcase. While pinning, ease the gathered
ruffle evenly around the pillowcase.
-Sew the ruffle to the pillowcase.
-With the zig-zag stitch, hem the facing.
-Sew the right side of the facing to the ruffle seam allowance.
-Fold the facing to the inside of the pillowcase and iron.
-Sew 5 button-holes along the edge of the pillow case. Sew the button-holes through the
facing also.
-Sew 5 buttons in place.
Pillow form:
-Cut a rectangle of the muslin 28" X 22".
-Fold in half right sides together forming a rectangle 14" X 22".
-With right sides together, stitch it closed using a 1/2" seam allowance. Leave a
5" opening on the bottom seam for turning.
-Turn and stuff with poly-fil. Blind-stitch the opening closed.
-Slip the pillow form into the pillowcase and button it closed.
Inside the Freedom pillow
showing the facing.