BB Battery Co., Ltd. "Best & Best"
Reliability and Long Life
The expected service life of a BB battery in standby applications is 5 years; however, experience has shown that
their service life often exceeds 6 years if the batteries are operated strictly within specifications. |
Cyclic Service Life
Depending on the average depth of discharge, over 1000 discharge/recharge cycles can be expected from BB batteries.
Carefully Controlled Plate (Grid) Production
BB Battery is one of a very few manufacturers making their own lead grids. BB makes its grids using 99.98%-pure
Australian, virgin (not recycled) lead.
These precisely-controlled, heavy duty lead-calcium alloy grids provide an extra margin of performance and service life in BB batteries, in
both float and cyclic applications, even in conditions of deep discharge.
Low Self-Discharge - Long Shelf-Life
At temperatures between 68°F and 77°F, the self-discharge rate of BB batteries is approximately 3%
of their rated capacity, per month. This low self-discharge rate permits storage for up to one year without any appreciable
deterioriation of battery performance.
The Choice of Major OEMs
BB batteries are used by APC, Black & Decker, Toro, TrippLite, CyberPower and other major OEMs. The major manufacturers
don't use the cheaper, off-brand batteries because they lack the consistency, quality and regulatory approvals and certifications
that major manufacturers require.
Production Facilities
B.B. Battery’s factory in Guang Dong, China is ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001 certified. It is
approximately 1,000,000 sq. ft in size. The factory currently has 1,500 employees. In the last 15 years shipping volume
has doubled more than six times and is expected to maintain a steady growth.
Consistent Quality
A broad range of certifications and approvals is necessary for a component's inclusion in the product lines of world-class manufacturers.
Click on individual symbol below to see supporting document. |
UL-recognized component Products carrying this mark can get approval for use as components in UL-listed products, like an APC UPS, but only if they're included in the product's original testing and submission for UL-listing. Using a brand of battery that APC did not include in its UL testing and approval will invalidate the UL listing and coverage for your UPS. |
VdS Loss Prevention is a testing institute run by the Association of German Insurers. |
Conformité Européenne, is required for products to be sold in in the 29 EU and EFTA countries. |
International Organization for Standardization 9001 is a program for quality management to fulfil customers' quality requirements and regulatory requirements,
while improving performance and customer satisfaction. |
International Organization for Standardization 14001 indicates ongoing compliance with the program to minimize harmful effects on the environment caused by a company's activities and to
achieve continual improvement of its environmental performance |
The Battery Industry
i Believe it or not, many "manufacturers" don't
make their own batteries. They contract with other, larger manufacturers to make their batteries for them.
Few battery manufacturers make their own lead grids. Because of this they generally do
not sell to major OEMs because they cannot control the quality of their product. They
generally have to buy lower quality parts in order to be price-competitive in the market. i
Some battery manufacturers have multiple product lines, of differing quality, performance and price, for the purpose of
competing in different channels. OEMs demanding high quality get one product
line; other customers who demand low price get lesser-quality products.
Lead Prices
i Last year, in less than 10 months lead prices more than doubled. SLA batteries are over 90% lead, by weight. Battery prices are heavily influenced by the price of lead.
Additionally, late in 2006 the Chinese government ended a tax-rebate program that was effectively subsidizing their battery manufacturers. The loss of this rebate caused an instant 13% increase in the manufacturers' costs, which they passed through to their customers. Now the Chinese government is adjusting exchange rates, weakening the dollar and increasing battery prices each month. Since the vast majority of the world's SLA batteries are manufactured in China, the market-price for these batteries increases accordingly. i
You may have noticed the increasing battery prices. Reputable vendors who keep only fresh stock have no choice but to increase their prices. Vendors still selling at low prices are probably selling old or inferior products, perhaps leftovers from before the price increases.
Agency Certifications
i The process of obtaining
and maintaining agency certifications, approvals and registrations, like UL, CE, VdS, ISO, CSA, TSE et al., is lengthy
and expensive.
Only the largest manufacturers with the best quality
products can afford to obtain them. Generally, the more approvals a battery carries, the more confident you can be of its quality.